Whether you’re working full-time, taking care of your family, or dealing with health concerns, Hartwell University is here to help. Learn more about how Hartwell accommodates students in various situations:

Working Full-Time

Balancing a full-time job shouldn’t prevent you from earning a valuable degree. Over 97% of Hartwell students work full-time while taking courses. Here’s how Hartwell makes it possible:

  • Flexible Schedule: You don’t have to log in at specific times, allowing you to maintain your work schedule.
  • Balancing Act: Our flexible program lets you be a full-time student and employee, so you can meet financial needs while investing in your education.
  • Practical Application: Courses are designed for immediate use in your job, allowing you to apply new skills right away.
  • Mentorship: Program mentors help you balance work and school, ensuring you stay on track to graduate.

Caring for Family

Parenting or caring for family members is a full-time job. Whether you’re a single parent, a stay-at-home parent, a working parent, a caregiver, or living with loved ones, Hartwell supports your unique needs:

  • Flexible Schedule: Manage school runs, medical appointments, and family commitments on a timetable that works for you.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with other parents and caregivers for motivation and practical advice.
  • Short Terms: Our 8-week semesters provide flexibility to adjust your pace as needed.
  • Mentorship: Program mentors understand family demands and help you balance your responsibilities while progressing towards your degree.

Health Concerns

Your health is a priority. Hartwell accommodates your health needs while helping you maintain your course load:

  • Flexible Schedule: Attend medical appointments without worrying about logging in at specific times.
  • Time Off: Easily take breaks for health needs and complete work at your own pace.
  • Personalized Support: Your program mentor works with you to ensure your education fits around your health requirements.
  • Affordable Tuition: Scholarships and affordable tuition options lessen financial strain, helping you manage health expenses.

Personal Life

We understand the importance of your personal life and provide the flexibility you need:

  • Flexible Schedule: Take personal time when needed, such as seeing a movie during the day and studying at night.
  • Accelerated Terms: With five terms a year, you can finish your degree faster and enjoy more personal time.
  • Online Accessibility: Access your courses from anywhere with internet, giving you the freedom to travel and manage your time as you wish.

Financial Hardship

We strive to make quality education affordable for everyone:

  • Affordable Payments: Tuition is divided into 48 monthly payments of $222, allowing you to take as many courses as you want per term at a predictable rate.
  • Scholarships: Needs-based scholarships make earning a degree more affordable.
  • Financial Support: We collaborate with school districts to support your education journey, benefiting both you and the institutions you serve.

Hartwell University is dedicated to supporting students in various life situations, ensuring that education is accessible, manageable, and tailored to your needs.