What if all teachers were skilled in implementing evidence-based reading practices?

Hartwell ensures all graduates have had practical experience implementing evidence-based reading practices.

Hartwell graduates teaching early childhood, elementary, and secondary English earn certification in this as well.

Educators can implement evidence-based reading practices in their classrooms through the following strategies:

Utilize Diagnostic Assessments

Conduct individual diagnostic assessments to determine appropriate reading levels, concepts, texts, and instructional priorities for each student. This data-driven approach ensures instruction is tailored to students’ specific needs.

Incorporate Engaging and Relevant Materials

Design instruction around engaging topics and materials that are relevant to learners’ needs and interests. This promotes motivation and makes learning more meaningful.

Teach Foundational Skills Explicitly

Provide explicit and systematic instruction in key foundational skills like phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension strategies.[2][5] The “Foundational Skills to Support Reading” practice guide offers specific recommendations.[5]

Implement Evidence-Based Programs and Strategies

Adopt instructional programs, materials, and strategies that have a strong evidence base from rigorous research reviews.[2][4][5] Resources like the What Works Clearinghouse can help identify effective programs.

Differentiate Instruction

Use assessment data to differentiate instruction and provide appropriate interventions or enrichment based on individual student needs.[3] Differentiation ensures all students receive instruction at their level.

Provide Professional Development

Engage in ongoing, job-embedded professional development and coaching on evidence-based reading practices.[4] This builds teacher knowledge and supports effective implementation.

Monitor Progress and Adjust

Regularly monitor student progress using valid and reliable assessments.[4] Use this data to evaluate implementation and make adjustments to instruction as needed.


By implementing these evidence-based practices, educators can deliver high-quality reading instruction grounded in scientific research, ultimately improving literacy outcomes for all students.[1][2][5]


About Hartwell – The Educators University

Hartwell is dedicated to empowering K-12 education leaders by fostering the growth of their people into competent and compassionate educators and leaders. Our mission is to ensure every child is taught by educators trained from a biblical worldview, emphasizing both excellence and empathy. Through our affordable online pathways to education degrees, we make careers in K-12 education accessible to everyone, enabling a new generation of teachers and leaders to inspire and educate future generations.

Discover more about our programs and scholarship opportunities at Hartwell.



[1] https://www.thereadingleague.org/what-is-the-science-of-reading/

[2] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43494-020-00005-3

[3] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191491X22000803

[4] https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/infographics/pdf/REL_SE_Implementing_evidencebased_literacy_practices_roadmap.pdf

[5] https://www.inspiredinstruction.com/post/implementing-evidence-based-reading-practices